Monday, May 11, 2009

Our Sarah

I just love this picture of Sarah! She is just growing and learning so much! Sarah isn't walking yet, but I can totally tell that she is getting stronger on her legs. But with not walking she has to get places, so she has became a climber like her brother, at this age. It she is great at climbing up slides! In Jonathan's room and also in the backyard, she does have to watch out for her brother cause he like to come down on top of her! Sarah is FINALLY saying Ma ma, not that I think it is to me. But at least she is starting on a new syllable which I am happy for! So she is onto three- Ma ma, Da da, Ba ba. She is signing tons now, which I LOVE. IT seems that she is hungrier these days, which might be because I am totally off breast feeding her (it of course has its pros and cons). So hopefully the pounds start coming! Sarah loves to be outside however she isn't not a fan of the grass. So she will crawl with her legs up and arms up so nothing but her hands and feet touch the grass. It makes me laugh! Sarah continues to be very friendly and wanting to wave at anybody she sees. Yesterday, at church she was all into the chorister and was trying to the lead also and then when it was done she would just clap. It was so adorable to watch. I love my Sarah, she is growing up so much!

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