Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Falls

Enjoying some good homemade chocolate chip banana bread!
Isn't that face so cute!

Jonathan enjoyed a sample of ice cream at the mall!
Can't you tell?

Sarah is saying hi to the girl taking our picture!
This is normal to have her mouth wide open!

Going to explore!

Coming back down!

After the Fall!

Enjoying our picnic!

The way Sarah gets around!

All better with a band aid!

Dave and I are rarely home together! But when we are, we try to do something fun as a family! Well, yesterday we both were home together. So Dave had to do a few school things first so we decided after naps we would head up to Bridal Veil Falls! Well, when we were about to leave the clouds got dark and it became very windy. So we hurried into the car, but on our way it started to down pour.
We were super bummed, but we decided to go to the mall instead and play on the indoor slide. Well, that fell through too because it was closed for maintenance!! So we just walked around the mall! Jonathan loved the Disney store and Build a Bear Store, then after an hour I looked outside and it was beautiful! So we decided we would go to the Falls!
We got the kids on our backs and we walked up to it! It was a nice walk and Jonathan loved looking at all the creatures and the river.
When we got there Jonathan and I decided to climb the falls- we didn't get to high because I was Leary about climbing and holding his hand (and my balance). Well, Dave and I switched and Dave went up with Jonathan! He was in heaven! They got very high! But then Dave decided to come down too. Well on the way down Dave slipped and with that Jonathan fell and hit his head! Dave FREAKED out, however I was very calm (the nurse came out in me I guess). Jonathan's was bleeding and CRYING. So I finally convinced Dave to give Jonathan to me (Jonathan does better with me when it comes to being hurt or sick). I guess it's the "mommy" thing. He finally calmed down. When we got to the car, I cleaned it and decided that there really wasn't anything that we could do, and they would put stitches in his head! I told Dave it was his decision if he felt that Jonathan needed to be checked out then we could go to the insta-care. Well, we decided to just have our picnic and Jonathan was way hungry. It was way fun. I got a picnic basket for 50 cents at a garage sale this past week and I think we for sure got our use out of it!
When we got home I washed Jonathan's hair and gave him some medicine. He got a mater band aid and was way happy! He wanted to eat more and be held by mommy. Jonathan is fine now his head is sore at times, and Dave my have a broken toe but that too will heal. That was our adventurous night as a family!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Wow! quite the story! Glad you shared it!