Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I can't believe Gordon is a week old!

Gordon is a week old today!!! It is crazy how fast time flies! Today was the first day Dave went back to work at Costco! I felt like I did pretty good! No real breakdowns, I have had some possible breakdowns but I kept my cool! Dave had a late onsite so he went into work later, so he helped get the kids bathed and ready- so that helped so much. But then it meant that he didn't get home till late, and we ALL we ready for Daddy to come home! I was able to get dinner fixed and the kids in PJ's and Gordon feed in a timely manner. So I was happy about that! I didn't go anywhere and I was in my pjs all day and didn't have a bath till 9:30 at night. But those are things to come!

I just love this one of Jonathan and Gordon! Jonathan is a GREAT help, he is great at setting the table or getting me things I need. If I need him to hold Gordon for a minute to do something he can do it. Today I thought man I am so impressed that my four year old can help me so much! (I tried to get one with Gordon's mouth showing but the blanket kept moving back, oh well)!

My sweet baby Boy! One week old!

February 2, 2011


Emily in Wonderland said...

Good job Shirlene! I think you've got this "Mom to 3 kids thing down pat already! lol And blogging too! I am impressed!

Linda said...

I love the picture of Gordon! So glad Jonathan is being a big helper... I bet Sarah will be too. Love you!

Farr Family said...

Gordon looks like a sweet, precious boy!! It's always nice to have little helpers!

Lindsey said...

Shirlene!! He is so handsome. I loved reading about your experience in the hospital and coming home!! It is hard to remember what it is like!! I am so glad he is a good baby for you and I am so impressed with all you are doing--already cooking!! That is amazing! You look great and I am so happy for your family!