I just had a few thoughts as I feed Gordon and read my two friends blogs. As life continues to move on day by day and we all have our different trials. I think about my two friends from nursing school that each have lost a child in the last week. How HARD that would be, but as my one friend blogs about her experience it makes me stronger- also to know that she will see this sweet baby once again in her perfect form. I hold Gordon close and look at how precious and sweet he is and how precious life is. I feel that with each child I have I cherish this time more and more. Although it is so HARD to wake up in the middle of the night and not just sleep. I hold Gordon close and stroke him and feel his spirit as I feed him. I know that I will get my sleep back soon enough, this will pass to soon and I will want it back. As my mother likes to say is we do Hard things and its true- but as we rely on the Lord he strengthens us!
I also read a dear friends blog about her trails of being a mother and conquering them! I admire her and take this quote from her that I desperately needed! "Welcome the task that makes you go beyond yourself, and you will grow"! Julie B Beck
I feel that a tender mercies at this time is to be able to be at home 24 hours a day and not have to worry about work and to enjoy my children, as I learn to function as a mother of three! I feel so blessed to have these three children in my care!