Friday, January 16, 2009

Whats going on

Jonathan is continuing to learn so much. His words just seem to be exploding. He says new words ll the time. To chicken, Tv, cake, and so many more I am so surprised when he can say a new word. I never thought that Jonathan would really be into movies or tv cause he is so active. But he loves Cars and he calls it is show. He always wants to turn it on, but I limit his tv watching. He loves to go where ever Dave or I go, he hates to be left. Jonathan is doing really well at sitting through books, he actually really like the book "you are special" about the wemmicks. I love that story this past week when I was reading it to him, I started to cry. Jonathan loves to help me. He loves to share his food when he wants. Jonathan loves his blanket and bear. There is a picture above of Jonathan in white towel that my mom made for Sarah. After a run in with the detergent this morning Jonathan had a bath, he thought that the towel was a blanket he loved cuddling in it, and having me hold him close in it. Jonathan and Sarah both love to be nakey, as we call it, after their bath and get away from me. I have the cutest picture of there little bums playing (but I didn't think it was appropriate to post). Jonathan so good with the routine and when we put coats and when to pray and sit at the table. I love my little bug.
Our sweet Sarah bear, she continues to have such a happy disposition all the time. She continues to say Da Da when she wants to communicate, but she has dded the drumming of her hands with it and just smiling. I love it! She loves to get into things, such as the laundry room and the laundry! Sarah loves to pull herself up and get into a draw or on the couch and just pull what every she can out of the drawer. She also loves the new arrangement of the toys since they seem so much more accessible for her. Sarah continues to love to eat, but slow and steady wins the race, right. She can just eat and eat slowly. Last week Sarah had a hard time with sleeping, with her knew teeth coming in. She has 3 of her 1 yer old molars and her bottom left tooth came in. She has a total of 11 teeth (I think). Sarah is such a good sport when it comes to her brother, she is so tolerant at times. I am so amazed! Sarah seems to be thinning out, but not her cute lovable cheeks!

I just had to have Dave take a picture of the snow this morning, it was so beautiful looking at the trees everything was frosted over and so cold. This week has been so busy and exhausting with work this week. I seemed to be there to much this week, with taking an EKG class and working on top of that. Exhausting cause there was so much to learn and know in such a short time. But, I took the test this morning to get it done and not have to think about it and so what I want to do.
Last night I had the opportunity to go to an enrichment group with Mothers of special need children. This is my second time going, it is so wonderful and uplifting. This time there was a mother and her son that has down syndrome talking about there adventure together. IT was awesome to see how this mother wanted her son to be mainstreamed with "normal" children and how well he is doing, and how proud the parents are and in turn how proud of himself this guy is for everything that he has accomplished in his life. She stressed has she expected so much of her son, and how he always rose to her expectations. I feel so blessed to be able to go, Jonathan works at his own pace, but if he was up with he typical 2 year old I would miss out on many opportunities. I love how I can apply everything I learn to Jonathan and Sarah's situation. And also developing a love for these wonderful special people that surround us! At the end of the class Reed danced and sang. The song he sang was so touching, he sang about how he is different bu he has feelings to and he can accomplish things too. I am so glad that I went, I am so uplifted from going. I am so thankful for my Dad that put the kids down so that I could go. Dave is taking two night classes this semester on days that I normally work. SO it is hard for me, to find babysitting or take them to my parents and not be with them (or Dave). But it is only 4 months I try to keep reminding myself with Dave's help. He is taking 17 credits this semester so he is very busy with everything. But he loves his instructional media class, and loves to learn!

1 comment:

Annie and Justin said...

Shirlene, you have the cutest family! I am so glad you found my blog, you look darling by the way, how are you? It seems like you are doing really well!