Friday, November 7, 2008


Ater one of Sarah's first bath's
Jonathan letting me just hold him, he wasn't feeling good. So I was just able to sing to him and rock him to sleep!

MY greatest hope is teaching my children correct principles and instilling in them a desire to have their own testimonies. As Dave and I try to be good parents and teach our children the way we feel is the best- we have been going to this Love and Logic parenting class. This is our second round at taking this class. However, I feel that it is a good reminder for us and we can pick up a few more principles of parenting that we want to start implementing. So with this hope, on Sunday we were having Family Home Evening with Jonathan and Sarah. Prior to the little lesson we sang Jesus wants me for Sunbeam, Jonathan really enjoyed (the rest of it was torcher to keep him sitting and listening). He really likes to hop when we say "beam" or to just randomly do it. Well, this morning I was fixing Dave's lunch and Jonathan was just kind of jumping around and talking to himself. But he kept repeating himself and then I realized that he was saying "beam", and hopping with it. So We started to sing it and Jonathan and Sarah were just loving it! I had a feeling that no matter how little the things are that we are trying to teach him that Jesus loves him or that he is Child of God. He is getting a little bit of it every time we try to teach it. I feel that I need to write these things down, so when mothering becomes hard and more challenging I can remember that I am doing my best. I love being a mother and the opportunities to learn and teach and try to do better everyday!

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