Friday, May 9, 2008


So this morning at the gym, I weighed myself. I have lost 3 pounds since the last time that I weighed myself. I don't weigh myself consistently. Cause it seems that I lose a pound week. And it is a lot more exciting to see that you lost 3 ponds instead of 1 or 2. So I have been working out and watching what I eat, and I have lost 8 pounds in the last 6 weeks. That doesn't sound like a lot, but I am happy. I would like to lose another 10 pounds! (I am very excited about it, hence the post).

Side note- those that watch survivor. What Did you think? Dave and I both can't believe it. We just laugh when we think about it. So I am rooting for Amanda! Go Amanda!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Good job! 8 pounds is a lot!