Friday, June 26, 2009

Our Bug

The other night I told Jonathan to go get his hat cause I had one on and he wanted on, and this is what he came out with!
Helping Mom in the garden!
Jonathan had found this hat that Grandpa and Grandma gave him and he likes to wear it. This one night before going to bed. He put on his sandals and hat, it made me laugh!
Playing on the playground after lunch!
Playing at Papa's. I love how he lined up all the cars.

Playing with Lindy Willis, one of his friends!
Jonathan and Sarah after pouring the powder everywhere!
Now an update on Jonathan. Jonathan keeps me on toes. Jonathan loves to be independent and do things on his own. It is nice at times, I can tell him go get your shoes and he will go get them and put them on. But sometimes it is not so nice when I am in a hurry Jonathan wants to take his sweet time and say "Onathan do it". Jonathan is a very curious boy, and interested in everything you are doing, but the thing is he will ask you over and over again what you are doing. It helps me to be patient and answer him because I want him to know he can ask me questions and I will answer them, even when he is older and the questions really matter. Jonathan is a very big helper, and he loves to help. He is very good when I give him a certain task, and he understands what I am saying, he will do it. It is also now, I can tell Jonathan to play with his little people farm when I need to get dinner ready or dishes done, and he will go ply with it. It help me so much, cause then he will call Sarah over and she will play a good amount of time. Jonathan loves to pick toy out or a bin of toys for quiet time and play until he is ready to fall asleep. However, bedtime isn't that easy. He has a hard time falling asleep even when he is dead tried and will play and rearrange everything in his room. This one morning he woke up with a completely different set of pjs on. I didn't realize tell that afternoon, when i was picking up his room. It made me laugh, and also realize that Jonathan cane dress himself if he wants too. Jonathan loves to go to school each week. In the summer at the school they serve lunch to children 0-18, which is a federally funded program, Jonathan loves to be big and hold his lunch tray and eat with the big kids. I love it cause it is free, I don't have to figure out what I am fixing for lunch and then they can play on the playground. Jonathan is still going potty on the toilet, but I just don't push it cause I don't think he is completely ready. Jonathan loves to read books, and when he goes to time out in his room and when I come to get him most of the time he is looking at a book. It is very cute. Jonathan loves to go to church and esp nursery. There are kids in his class he knows by name like Ashby and Eden. Which is kind of funny cause those are the two he argues the most with. Jonathan loves to say prayer. Jonathan loves to have cereal in the mornings for breakfast. Jonathan is eating better all the time, although he is still in the same clothes 18 month pants (the cloth diaper helps keep them on) and 18 shirts. Jonathan if full of energy and life. We love you Jonathan!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Drew wears 18 month pants and 2T in shirts. Sounds like he is doing great!