Tuesday, June 2, 2009

After a long day

I thought I would share two thoughts that made my long day better!
So when I got home I usually have Jonathan at the door knocking on it for me to come in and Sarah not far behind. Well, today I heard a knocking (which always brings a smile to my face), so I knocked back and then a knock again. I opened the door and it was my sweet little Sarah and she gave me a big smile and then her hands up for me to hold it! It was the best, but my little Sarah is sure getting big!
Then after we got Sarah down; Dave and I were reading the scriptures to Jonathan. Each one of us switching off each page, but then Jonathan wanted to do it. He very much into saying "Onathan do it". So I helped him to point to each word and I would say a word and then he would repeat it. I was so much fun to watch, and he was so proud of himself!

1 comment:

Jessica Munk said...

That is so cute! Your kids are adorable! And sorry I never got back to you about the hair cut. Shelby Hixson in the ward is who cut my hair. She did a great job and I love it!