Thursday, November 17, 2011

No Police officers or Fireman!

This past week I had a conversation with Jonathan!

We were out running errands, going from place to place. Jonathan is usually good at bucling up when he gets in so I don't really have to check up on him, Sarah is a different story! We were going to get gas at Costco coming from the copy center!

Jonathan: {well in the mall parking lot} Oh Mom, I forgot to buckle up!

Mom: Well you bet buckle up!

Jonathan: But I don't see any police officers or fireman!

Mom: Is that the reason we buckle up {straight face}

Jonathan: No to be safe in an accident. But if we do then I will just hold onto the seat belt!

The logic for my little boy!:)


Amy said...

Too funny! We had to literally show Drew what would happen if he didn't buckle up because he would unbuckle himself and then hide on the floor. Thank goodness he is finally over that phase.

Megan said...

Lol that is cute. Sad thing is adults in my neighborhood still think that it's okay to sit unbuckled in the back seat - like you'll be protected by the front seats or something. Oh boy!