Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Sweet Reward!

Jonathan is potty trained! So with that he finally got his reward!
On Wednesday Daddy took Jonathan to see Alvin and the Chipmunks! Jonathan was so excited! Although we prepped him he still thought that he might see Princess and the frog! Dave said Jonathan really enjoyed it and loved getting popcorn/candy/drink that Daddy treated him with!
After the movie Jonathan wanted to know if he could do it tomorrow!
Last night Jonathan came in my room and told me that he needed to go the bathroom, that was a first- which I was excited that he woke up to go. He still goes maybe once a week at night, so he wears a diaper still!
We are so proud of you Jonathan!


Shelly Beth said...

Isabelle is pretty much potty trained. She still has accidents every few days. She wears a diaper for nap and bed. When and how do you transition to no diaper at all!?! I am scared - I don't want to clean up the mess in bed!!!!

Emily Heizer Photography said...

CONGRATULATIONS to Jonathan! What a big boy he is now!!

Michelle, I think that when you have consistently have dry diapers for X period of time- say, 30 consecutive days? (Whatever you're comfortable with) is when you switch to underwear. Also, don't stress about the bedwetting- here's why: get a mattress cover. Plastic cover, cheap, goes right over. You can also sew a thick pad- like out of a couple layers of cloth diapers and put that either on top of the sheet and under her bum, or under the sheet so it doesn't show. This way, if she does have an accident #1 the mattress is protected, #2 you might not even have to wash the sheets or blankets if it just goes on the pad, which will absorb everything and just be thrown in the washer.

Not to scare you, but I was a chronic bed wetter. LIke, until I was a teenager. Slept like a rock. Simply NEVER woke up. They tried EVERYTHING with me, including an alarm that would go off when I started to wet the bed. Oh yeah, slept through that too. My mother even slept on a cot next to my bed for awhile so SHE could wake me up when the alarm would go off. That didn't work either. She tried to take me to the bathroom and (fully asleep) washed my face and hands and started walking downstairs. FAIL.

Eventually I grew out of it, and I had the "lightning bolt" moment when my mom told me the last thing she did before going to bed and the first thing she did in the morning was to go to the bathroom. I was like, "ooooooooh!" lol

You have a 99.99999% possibility that you will never have a child like me. I am probably doomed. LOL

Emily Heizer Photography said...

* I * started washing my hands and face, rather than use the restroom.

Becky said...

Congratulations Jonathan! You are growing up... what a big boy you are now! :)