Sunday, October 4, 2009


Yesterday morning we were painting some trim and the kids just loved to be outside and free. I took a break and there were Jonathan and Sarah just sitting together. I thought it was cute!
Yesterday Sarah was just loving having me home and being able to hold her while we listened to Conference, and so I got a lot of this yesterday and it was wonderful!
Jonathan of course wanted to get in!
We have a nightly routine; so each night we put a blanket out and sit on the blanket and then kids look at the pictures in the children's Book of Mormon and then Dave or I read in the scriptures and then we sing a song of Jonathan's choosing (usually Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam or I m a Child of God). Then we pray as a family. After we shake the blanket (I need to video tape it cause it way cute of Jonathan jumping and Sarah trying to shake the blanket) like we do in nursery and they love esp Sarah. Then we give kisses and hugs. And I guess we always say I love you because this past week Sarah first two word phase was "LOVE YOU". I was so surprised and it was so cute. So Dave and i both told her that we loved her again and she said it again. We love it. She also says "amen" and is very good at folding her arms the entire time we pray! It is funny how Jonathan's first phrase was "uh oh" and Sarah's is "love you"; they are so different in there own ways- we love it!
With having scripture study we have been taking about Joseph Smith, Nephi and Lehi. So yesterday I was looking at Kristi's blog and she had a collage of the twins with a picture of Joseph. So Jonathan started naming them Lacey, Luke, and Joseph Smith. It made me laugh and then I corrected with telling him that it was cousin Joseph. He is such a smart boy!


Amy said...

Drew's first phrase was uh-oh! Maybe Kylee's first will be love you. Great idea for your nightly routine.

Stephanie said...

Hey shirlene
I really want to know how you made that bag. It is sooo cute! I love seeing your blog.
stephanie craig

Linda said...

That is cute! You are an awesome Mom and Dad! :)

Chelsea said...

Shirlene- i just have to tell you that you are like the cutest and best mom ever!! You always have the cutest ideas that I always want to steal. I love your little nightly routine. Your kids are darling!! Thanks for being such a good example, hope you are doing well!! Miss talking to you.

Emily Heizer Photography said...

Pfff! Joseph Smith, too HILARIOUS for a 3 year old! :)

I LOVE Sarah's firt phrase! Yay!