Monday, October 26, 2009

Family Birthday Party

Our Big Birthday Boy!
We had a family Birthday party for Jonathan, and to start off the party we went to pumpkin land. It was supposed to rain, but I prayed that it wouldn't cause Jonathan and I were set at going to the pumpkin patch. Well, the weather was perfect. That morning before going I set out two present and Jonathan knew exactly whose they were. But I told him it wasn't until after lunch. On the way there he kept talking about the present, but I tried to explain to him that present where great but it is fun to be with family (I think I will have to explain that to him again later). We got there and took some pictures!

Our Cute Family!
On our way into the corn maze! The kids had a blast, and especially Jonathan (don't let that face below foul you!)! He got down and ran through the maze and he finished before a few of us. This is Jonathan at the end with me cause he came and found me! It was way cute!

There was inflatable slides, a bounce house, animals, playground, kid friend spook alley! IT was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed themselves!
After we went back to our place and had lunch!
If you can tell Jonathan was so EXCITED to have cake and open presents. He knew exactly where to sit! I had to explain to him that we needed to eat first then we would have cake! I kept the cake a surprise and Jonathan LOVED the monkey George cake!

All I can say is EXCITEMENT! Look at that face!
There was a little of this!
Jonathan waited as long as he could and then he was back on the talk ready for the festivities!
Opening presents! I love him in his hat- thanks Craig and Liz! Everyone was so great at giving Jonathan what he needed or would love. He has loved reading his new books, playing his new game, coloring in his new coloring book, riding around on his new car. He has been in HEAVEN and just been wanting to play with everything that is new!

Enjoying his cake!
I think that for me this has been the best Birthday to celebrate yet because Jonathan totally understood what was going on and was so excited about everything. Which in turn it made me so happy! I love my little boy!

1 comment:

Shelly Beth said...

What great pictures. Looks like you had a blast. Great job on the cake. And I love Jonathan's hair. He is looking like such a big boy now!