Friday, February 12, 2010

Making Valentine Treats for Daddy!

We started making the chocolate dipped Strawberries, Jonathan was in charge of putting the sprinkles on the strawberries. although he was more interested eating them or tasting the chocolate.
I let him dip one, and he was so excited!

What a cute boy!

Of course we had to try them!
And they were GREAT!
We also made Oreo truffles and Sarah loved licking the left overs!
(She finally woke up from her nap! )

What a cute face!

Dave's Valentine Gift (I did add a few hearts to make it a little cuter).
I am excited to use our new down pillows!

1 comment:

Julia said...

It's so special that you involve your kids in serving Dave, even if it means a bit (or a lot) of a mess. And I'm sure they helped him clean and make dinner. You and Dave are good to each other. Service is so important in a marriage.