Thursday, October 30, 2008


Once again I am talking about Jonathan weight issue or lack of it. Today we had an appointment with a dietitian, MD, and social worker. I think that it just left me more frustrated then anything. Jonathan weight is 79% of where is height is, they like it to be between 90-110%. SO he is underweight big time, which isn't anything new to me. They figure that it is because of his IUGR when he was born. But I feel that I'm getting conflicting information from the occupational therapist that comes and then these people. Right now I feel like I just want him to eat when he want and what he wants. But I am sure tonight I will just feel fine, and go back to the normal schedule and know that I can only do what I can. But anyways Jonathan is almost 20 lbs he is 19.14 lbs and 31 inches, and two yrs old that's my little guy! I love him even though he is in the 2% for his weight! He is just my little bug, and problem will lways be that way!


Love To Teach said...

We love Jonathan. Everything will be ok.

Love, Leslie

Judy Lamont Stock said...

If he's happy, healthy then Jonathan's fine! Don't get frustrated! He's a cute tike that's for sure!

Becky said...

Of course all of us will love him no matter how much he weighs! What exactly does that mean anyway? That he's not overweight like so many kids are... that he's a bit smaller... so, what is the big deal? He seems happy to me, and obviously he IS eating... so to me that means he is healthy for Jonathan and that is all that matters. Is there something else that is a sign he isn't healthy? I mean besides the weight?