Monday, January 14, 2008

Love and Excitement!

Well, for Christmas Dave got me a scooba- it is amazing! I love it! If you don't know what it is, it is robot that sweeps and mops at the same time. I put it on my list, not thinking that I would get it! But, I did I was so surprised. Dave got a awesome deal on it at (they have great deals everyday of something new!) My brother got one and they said they watched it while it mopped the first time cause it is amazing how it does it! I use it every other day- it makes me so happy to have a clean floor! It would be like once a month getting the floor mopped (gross I know!), but now it is every other day! It is wonderful!
Last week I had one of those tender mercy experience that Heavenly Father gave to me. Jonathan is a normal little boy that loves to explore, not much cuddling comes from him (He gives hugs and kisses but no cuddling). Well, I was getting Jonathan ready for bed, I gave him a bath. After, the bath he was way cold so I bundled him up and held him. I was able to keep cuddling with him. So I read and sang to him- and he just let me hold him as long as I wanted. So I hummed to him, as we waited for Daddy to some home from work! Jonathan feel asleep before Daddy got home and so when Dad got home he took a picture of us. It was a sweet moment that I had with Jonathan and just cherished it as he slept in my arms!


Megan said...

Shirlene, that is so sweet! What a wonderful moment. I need to write you-thank you for the email, I know it has been a while since you sent it. I'll write soon.

Julia said...

I want a scooba! That's ingenious! And what a precious moment with Jonathan. I thought cuddling days were over long ago with Addie too, but she wants me to hold her more and more these days. I love it! Kids just go through different stages--from independent to dependent and back again. I'm glad you got to seize the moment with your precious boy.

Amy said...

Oh, what a sweet boy. That was such an adorable picture of him and you. I saw that scooba on woot and didn't know how well it worked with my laminate flooring. You will have to let me know if it stands the test of time!

Wendi and Matt said...

i always wondered how good those things were and i didnt know they were a mopper too i should look into that! thanks!

Liz said...

I'm glad you like your scooba. I still haven't decided whether or not to keep mine. I guess it would help if I actually used it!

Hansen Fam said...

What a sweet moment with your little guy. I love when they cuddle. It is the best!

I have never heard of those scooba things. Looks cool and I sure could use one around here.