Friday, August 26, 2011

Gordon is 7 months!

This has been a big month for Gordon, he has grown so much this month! I can't believe it! At the beginning of August Gordon started to move and scoot to get things and then more and more and then within the last few weeks he has become a great sitter. Gordon now moves from the family room to the kitchen; he gets what he wants! Gordon is our BIG eater (I have never had a baby eat so good- I thought that Sarah was good but Gordon has proved me wrong!) Gordon can eat about 8 oz of baby food and four of it is packed with rice cereal to help him get full. And the picture below depicts Gordon after each bite. Food ready, take thumb out of mouth, eat food, thumb right back in mouth! His favorite vegetable is sweet potatoes and his favorite fruit is bananas! His least favorite food is carrots! He continues to be my happy boy and smiles at anyone. At the grocery store I had my hands full trying to check out and Gordon was done so I was holding him and trying to pay. This sweet lady behind me offered to hold him. And Gordon just talked to her and wasn't phased one bit. Gordon has been off and on with his sleeping cause he has ONE tooth! I don't have any pictures of them but hopefully soon! He also has become a side sleeper which Mommy thinks is way cute! I think that he can roll from his back to tummy, but not sure! Gordon had a photo shoot this past Tuesday (Aug 23) from Aunt Liz and he did so good! I can't wait to see them!

Gordon getting on his knees getting ready to move!

On his toes!

Enjoying time with Daddy!

Sitting at his new toy that Mommy got out for him! The kids and Gordon enjoy playing on the piano!

Mommy thinks this is next?

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