Monday, August 30, 2010

A little of what has been happening....

So it seems that blogging these days just doesn't seem to happen. With everything that I have to do in a day, besides keeping the house spic and span. I am exhausted and ready to go to bed after the kids do!
This is at the beginning of the month when they were major sleeping issues. This picture is why Jonathan only slept in our bed once, and then to the floor. I can say that the sleeping situation is so much better. We love The Magic Tree Series, and no naps that seem to be lifesavers! Jonathan is halfway to getting his build a bear and I can read him a few chapters and sing two song and then kiss him good night and NO crying, it is Heavenly!
This is one of our FHE lessons by Dave on obedience! He is great at giving lessons!

One morning Dave found Jonathan in Sarah's room. He knows that he can't come into our room or he will have to start over at getting his build a bear. So he went into Sarah's room! (by the time that Dave got the camera they woke up)
We went to the fair with my family. Growing up, I grew up going to the fair and entering in projects through 4-H. However the Orange County fair is completely different. But it was nice to get the fair feel. It was so small after an hour and half we were done/hot/ and ready to go!
After we went to Macey's and got ice cream! It was great!
Being with his Daddy!
I finally decided that Sarah could have her potty training present (I actually forgot about it). Sarah was in Heaven as you can tell!

Jonathan loves to play in our small cul-de-sac. But he loves to ride over to Maddie's house and knock on the door and talk to her. Well, today Maddie and the siblings came out and played with them. Jonathan and Sarah were in Heaven!

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