Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Day Has Come

Yes- Jonathan is finally starting to take some steps! On Sunday we were at my parents and we put Jonathan down and he actually stood. We all started to cheer so he got excited and took some steps. It was great. Through the week, he would stand here and there, but no real progress. But this afternoon, I was taking Jonathan out of the nursery and had him stand and he stood and then he took some steps. I think he started to realize that he he could stand. So after he fell down, he came back to me and he wanted me to help him stand. He stood and walked again. So in the hall with Dave's help he walked back and forth. He was so proud of himself. I was so proud of him. It was an exciting day! Does anyone know how to tell me quickly how to download videos- do you have to have a special cord?

1 comment:

Liz said...

Yeah for Jonathan! Your camera should have come with a cord that you plug into the computer- most likely a USB cord. It also probably came with CD that has software on it to be able to download the videos.