Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jonathan is 9 months

It has been a long time since I have updated my blog- it has just seem to get away from me! Jonathan is growing and learning tons right now! In the above picture Jonathan is drinking from a cup- but it is formula. i have had problems with Jonathan and eating he just isn't a big eater. I have this nurse that comes in monthly and she gave me this idea to put formula instead of water when he is eating his finger foods. And he loves it- he loves to feel like he is big!
Jonathan loves to just be in his diaper- and since it is hot I just let him- since last week! Jonathan has started to learn to scoot, and so he started getting a carpet burn on his tummy, so I thought maybe its not such a great idea. But this was the kicker! Last week, I was in the kitchen and Jonathan was moving and playin' and I would periodically look t him. While this one time I looked over and he had the diaper in his hand and was waving it! I said Jonathan David and then i just started to laugh! He is a smart boy!
Well, over a week a go. Jonathan learned how to push with his legs and reach for a toy (and books esp he loves). Then it just kept evolving through the week and he was moving with his forearms and legs. At first he would stay in the family room, but on Sunday he learned that there is more to the house then the family room and started to adventure out in the dinning area! It is so fun to watch him play and enjoy himself! I am sure that he will be crawling in no time!


Amy said...

Yay for Johnathan. He will be crawling any day now. How exciting. It is so fun whe they start to explore the house. It makes them feel independent. I love the glass picture. That is amazing he can drink so well from a glass. I still can't get Drew to drink from a sippy cup. Way to go!

Marcie Kump said...

I can't believe how much bigger he looks from the last time we saw him. He is doing so much now!

Farr Family said...

Jonathan is getting so big! Sounds like he is loving his freedom. He's going to explore the entire house! I love his adorable red hair.