Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Happy 4th of July

This was Jonathan's first 4th! He loved the fireworks! We went to the city parade with my family. (Side note Dad wore shorts for the first time in a very long time!) We rode our bikes so that we didn't have to fight the crowds. We put Jonathan in the trailer which he just loves! Then later that day we celebrated Grandmas birthday! And then we had a BBQ at my parents house. Amy and Ryan we up and so we were able to met Drew for the first time. He is all over the place. Abby, Jonathan, and Drew had fun together- they are all born within three months of each other! Then we went over to Kristi's and was going to have a lot of firework fun- but we had a run in with the law so there went our fireworks fun! We had root beer floats! We went home, but on our street there is this family that does fireworks from Wyoming- and theirs are awesome. We walked over there and Jonathan loved them! (Pictures will come!)


Amy said...

Can't wait to see the pictures. We had a lot of fun. It was good to see everyone!

the DeCampos Family said...

It sounds like you guys had a fun 4th of July. Can't wait to see the picts of everyone.