Thursday, May 21, 2015

LIfe in the middle of February (February 16, 2015)

Fresh new snow = time to play after school

Enjoying Daddy reading them a book..Family night is one of our favorite nights of the week!

We love our library and especially the play wonderful friend Jill gave these to me so I added them with tour other flowers and loved the combination!

Reading books together...Sarah got some fancy Nancy for her Birthday and Jonathan was super excited to read them to her!

Sarah learning the art of making her bed...Henry cheesing it up for me!

We love when Sarah has good days at school... Sarah and Gordon getting washed up after swim lessons.

For 100 days of school they made this cute necklace.. Sarah's cute red cheeks after walking home from school.  Henry is just adorable in the picture...Helping Mommy!

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