Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Henry is 6 months already?

 Our little Henry brings us so much joy!  Yes, I guess he is little he is 15.3 lbs and he is in the 16 percentile.  I guess I make little guys!  I am fine with that cause he is easy to hold (compared to our Gordon).  He loves his thumb, and his very content guy!  He is very good at sleeping which is SOOO nice!  He has bright red hair, that is coming in more and more!  Henry has tried cereal which isn't a fan.  But that doesn't surprise me, cause none of our children have!  Henry hangs out on his tummy or his back!  Gordon loves to hold Henry for a few seconds and then is done! But he wants his turn just like everyone else! Henry loves to laugh, and is soo ticklish!  He found his voice about a month ago and would just squeal for so long.  But then he has a hard time sleeping in the day cause he was squealing so much, that has dyed down.  But he is so content!

 Sarah was trying to entertain Henry when I was doing something and when I came back up stairs this is what I found.  Henry loved seeing himself in the mirror!

                                       Tuckered out after a long day!
                                                   Our happy boy!

 Brothers! Gordon wanted me to take a picture of him and Henry!
 If you look closely you can see Henry's tooth on the bottom!  Last Friday we went to the doctors and that is when I discovered his tooth finally had cut through!  He has been drooling for months now!
Isnt he a handsome guy!  We think so!

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