Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Henry is here!

Henry was born was on September 13, 2012. That morning I started to have some pressure waves and took a bath and they continued, which in my mind I thought that it might be the day.  I rested in the morning and then Dave went to work, so I got up.  Then my emotions started and my Dad came and got Jonathan and Sarah.  The pressure wave started to really come around 1:45.  Kristi came over around that time to help me (she was my awesome doula) and we walked over to my parents.  The pressure waves started to come, I was doing hyponobabies and was able to relax with each pressure wave (with Kristi's help). We came back to my house and birthed on the birthing ball, with getting into the bath and shower.  It became really intense and with my lower back pain, Dave and my Mom got home.  Then Dave helped relieve the back pain, and then started getting the bags in the van.  I started feeling him come lower and then we finally left and started to the hospital.  It was very difficult to relax, I felt that he was driving crazy (which I guess he wasn't). We got there and they wanted me to sit in a wheelchair, but there was no way in my mind.  Well the pressure waves kept coming and one on top of each other and I was unable to walk hardly at all.  I finally got on the wheelchair kneeling, and Dave pushed me as fast as he could. I barely got out of the elevator and into my room, and got on the bed and tried to find a comfortable position.  I was kneeling on my knees and pushed him out (without the Doctor and a code white) with two maybe three pushes he was there- the nurse caught him! I DID IT! With the help of my amazing support- Kristi, Dave, and my Mom! He was born at 5:27 weight of 7.7 lb. 19 inches long!


Wendi and Matt said...

How awesome!! I am doing hypnobabies as well for this little one hopefully to be born in the next week. Love hearing the stories. Congrats. I love the name!

Linda said...

You did awesome!! What a blessing a natural birth has been to you with so much going on and a family of little ones to take care of. :)