Friday, August 13, 2010

Part one of our Family Summer Vacation

With great anticipation we left for California at the end of July! Jonathan was so excited!

We stopped in St George on Sunday, so we didn't have to drive the entire way to San Diego and then the next morning we got up and went down to San Elijo State Beach! This is Dave setting up our brand new tent (with my assistance), it was a two room one. It was so nice!

Well we set up camp the kids entertained themselves by watching the people walk down the rode, and told them that they were in a parade!

Then next day we went and did a few errands waiting for the hazy to burn off. We got some suckers and Sarah fell asleep eating hers!

That afternoon we went down to the beach, and this was Jonathan's first time (while technically 2nd- but first time remembering it) going to the beach! Enjoying the ocean feel!

Being like there Dad! Getting the boogie board out on the water!

First attempt!


Having a blast!

Not so sure of getting cold though!

Playing in the water!

Later getting cleaned up and then getting down in the sand once again!

Joys of camping with a little one!

Sarah enjoyed going into Grammy and Papa's tent (esp since the door broke and they could close it).

Playin' his drum!

Having there own parade!

Finding Uncle Jason's fins and enjoying walking around in them!

On Thursday it was Dave's Birthday so we went into San Diego and went to the Maritime museum! It was a lot of fun andvery interesting! Right up Dave's alley!

In the big steam boat!

This was the US submarine! Jonathan loved getting on the beds cause they we just his size! I really can't believe people really live on those!

Steering the submarine!

This was on the Russian Submarine, it was a lot longer, and they have all these crawl spaces!

Cute Sarah!

Our Little Family!

One of the last boat we went on would travel around the world, and this was second class sleeping area!

There was a small little boat just for kids!

That night we went to a seafood restaurant and enjoyed great food! And Dave even got sang too!

One our way home we, this is what I saw when I turned around and looked at Jonathan (it was 8 o'clock at night). He sure makes me laugh!

Aunt Kristi did Sarah hair, and she loved it! She thought that she looked so pretty!

Enjoying the boogie board once again!

Jonathan's beach buddy! Lacey and Jonathan were more into the sand then the water! If I asked Jonathan the best part about the vacation (which included Disneyland) he said playing with Luke and Lacey!

Goin' to give it a try on her own!

Did pretty good, I would have to say!

Enjoying their smores!

Packin' Up! On our way up to Anaheim!

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