Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kids say the darnest things

During Jonathan personal prayer tonight
Heavenly Father please help me to listen to my parents.  Please help Sarah to understand what my parents say.  Please help Gordon to not get into things he is not suppose to (as he had just got into Jonathan's bubbles he had got at a Birthday party).  And please help me to get better at playing the games on the tablet.  And then he finished

This past week I was upstairs either changing Henry or something but I sitting on the floor and the three others where playing downstairs.  Gordon comes up stairs crying, puts his face in mine and squeezes his eyes shut so I will see the tears.
Momma I crying

Each first Sunday of the month we have a family testimony meeting. Sarah bore her testimony after Jonathan.
I know that Jesus loves me and that Violet loves me.

I don't write down these things then I forget, and I love these moments with my children that I just love and want to remember!  I need to blog more, it has been too long.  But we have been having too much as a family.  School will be upon in a little over a month and I am not ready for it emotionally, but Jonathan is!!!


Liz said...

So cute! I love Jonathan's prayer. I'm right there with you on the blogging thing. I have so much to catch up on but no time to do it!

Erica said...

Your kiddos are getting so big!! I love the sweet things kids think about and say. It's so fun to watch them evolve into little people.